lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2009

Mejor que un Louis Vuitton

Ultimamente estamos desbordados de trabajo y no he tenido mucho tiempo para poner ninguna novedad...
Hoy paseando por la red en busca de aire fresco me he encontrado con estos Originales bolsos de papel:

El patron con el que puedes obtener todos estos resultados:

Es un diseño original y ademas, reciclable

SAC À FAIRE is basically a 100x70cm large sheet which offers 10 different patterns of bags printed on both sides.

you can choose one of the models and turn it from a 2D graphic into a 3D accessoire by cutting into the sheet and following the numbered lines, which show you where to cut, fold or sew.

all you need is a pair of scissors, a sewing-machine and a sheet of SAC À FAIRE.

the material looks like paper, but is extremly strong, waterproof, can be washed and ironed, folded and sewn. it rumpels like a paperbill and becomes softer and softer by using it.

wear it proudly, because you made it yourself!

No pone mucho mas en la web, pero hay otros diseños interesantes: aqui

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